Keep an Eye on Your Money by Debbie Norrell

Why are there so many scams? What is a person to do? Just the other day, I overheard a lady telling a cashier a tale of woe about losing almost all of her money out of her checking account. It seemed that someone had stolen her PIN number and she could not figure out how it happened. With my 34 years of banking experience, I explained several ways that her account could be compromised and the best way to avoid this in the future is to keep a close eye on her account, check her balance daily and perhaps twice per day. I also explained that using self-serve checkouts is not the best thing to do. Fraudsters like self-serve checkouts and often will place a device at a self-serve checkout that can capture your information. Unfortunately, there are many YouTube videos where the crook can learn how to steal your money. So, keep your eye on your accounts. Don’t answer emails that look strange, don’t reply to text messages that you don’t recognize and please don’t think you can outsmart the crook by engaging in conversation with them. You are wasting your time. If you get a call and you have caller ID and you don’t recognize the number or the name, don’t answer. The more often you don’t answer the better; the thief will move on to someone else. What is so sad is that every new piece of technology that comes out is compromised by people that are dishonest. Can we outsmart the thief? I’m not too sure, but you can sure keep a better eye on what’s important to you. Check your account soften, don’t answer strange emails or text messages, don’t click on links that don’t make sense and if you think there is a problem when it comes to your money call your bank at once.

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