How Old is Too Old? by Debbie Norrell

Has this question been on your mind, but you don’t want to say anything? The question is, When are you too old to be president of the United States? This is a tough one because both candidates for the next presidential election are over 77. One appears to be more vibrant than the other, but may not be the candidate that you want. This is going to be an interesting contest, to say the least. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about term limits and age limits for congressmen, senators, and the office of the President of the United States. I think there should be term limits. I believe it takes someone who is mentally and physically sharp to be the president. There is an age requirement to run for president. Why not have a maximum age to hold the office?

The constitutional qualifications for being president are being a natural-born U.S. citizen, a resident for at least 14 years, and over the age of 35. And I was curious: can a felon be president of the USA? Here is the answer: A person can be disqualified by conviction in a Senate impeachment trial, but a criminal conviction does not affect eligibility.

Thanks to the magic of the internet and television, we get to see the falls, freezes, and lack of comprehension that many elected officials have experienced. If a president falls, it’s like the kiss of death. It’s aired over and over again; it’s turned into a skit on late-night TV; and it lives forever on YouTube. It’s hard to give up a job that you love because of age. We all want to be “forever young”, but we know that is not possible. I often wonder why some people hold on to a job forever. I have witnessed firsthand someone staying in a position way beyond their capabilities. It helps to have a plan for your golden years. For those stumbling and bumbling around the capital, take your pension and go home.

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