Feast or Famine by Debbie Norrell

Do you remember the days when people in Pittsburgh complained that there was nowhere to go and nothing to do? Fast forward to 2023, and now we have to pick and choose where we are going. Your social calendar should be full. I have booked events all the way until November. Could it be that groups are trying to catch up and have events that they could not have during the pandemic? I’ve been reading the post on Facebook, and it looks like all of the events are well attended. There was a time when there weren’t enough Black people to attend two or three big events being held on the same day. I’m not sure what changed. Perhaps it has been people’s mindset. After going through a few years of events being canceled and losing friends and family, there seems to be a change in attitude. People want to get out, get dressed up, and enjoy their lives because tomorrow is not promised. Blacks are also expanding their territory; what I mean by that is that we are not staying in our own backyards to party. We are doing destination weddings, parties, and tours around the world and posting our lives on social media. I can’t believe how many parties there are and have been centered around the “Derby.” Remember when we would watch the Derby on television and hear about the people who went to the Derby in fabulous hats? I started attending the Pittsburgh Conservancy Hat Luncheon about 15 years ago. It was held on Derby Day, the first Saturday in May, and for years they did not have any competition. Now the first Saturday in May is booked solid with Derby-themed events. Ladies and gents are out searching for appropriate hats. I suggest you order it online. If you buy it on Amazon, there is a good chance it will be at your door before May 6. Get out there and have fun. Tomorrow is not promised.

Email the columnist at debbienorrell@aol.com

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