Women of Pittsburgh 2000

Women of Pittsburgh 2000 is a group of Christian women who formed as an outgrowth of the 1993 Billy Graham crusade held here in Pittsburgh.  Inter-racial “sister groups” were created by pairing three women from a predominantly Black church with three women from a predominantly White church.  Those groups  meet monthly for dialogue and fellowship to help break down barriers…..the purpose is to develop close relationships and to better understand cultures, families, churches and communities.
St. Mark AME Church, Wilkinsburg is teamed up with Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church in Fox Chapel.
The meeting times and places of each sister group is entirely up to that group, and the makeup of each group is also evolving….There is one group with six members who represent six different churches….the important thing is that the group is integrated.The WP2000 board is scheduling quarterly Sister to Sister Saturdays in different regions to keep in touch with current members , worship in song and a guest speaker, or view tapes that will spark honest discussion on race and how Christ would want us to live.
This is our way of staying in touch with our sisters and  reaching out to others who want to know more. Our main large event is the Walk for Racial Harmony coming up on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at the Pittsburgh Zoo.

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