Spiritual Spotlight Picks

From the Crack House to Owning Many Houses! (Sep 30)

Gerald D. Marshman, who in his past life was known as Douglas, had a very different life than what one sees today.  To see Gerald now, one would never have known that he was addicted to crack cocaine for at least two years.   Gerald, who is 51 years young, discovered from a very young age that he was good with his hands when he started working with his father, who was a master carpenter.  It was then that Gerald developed a passion for this trade.  However, as he begin to get a little older, (those trying teen years), Gerald succumbed to peer pressure, which lead him down a path, he had no knowledge of where it would land him. 

Click here for more »

Kid’s Closet


I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”  (Matthew 25:36)

Kid’s Closet is an outreach ministry of
One Vision Ministries at New Vision Community Church.
This ministry allows low-income families and families
in need to shop for FREE clothing!

We will provide free clothing for local children and adults
every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am – 2pm.  
This is a clothing exchange ministry (Give Some, Get Some). 

We will continue to accept clothing donations throughout the year.
The clothes need to be clean and in good shape. 
We will accept adults, children, infants and shoes too.

You can drop all items off on Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study Night (6pm – 7pm)
or after Sunday Worship Service (12:30pm – 1:00pm).

New Vision Community Church (One Vision Ministries)
3534 Laketon Road
Penn Hills, PA 15235
(412) 241-6160

What is Angel Food?


Angel Food Ministries of Penn Hills here at New Vision Community Church (One Vision Ministries) is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing high quality food for half the price of grocery stores.  IF YOU EAT, YOU QUALIFY!

Comparison-shopping has been done across the country in various communities using a wide range of retail grocery stores and has resulted in the same food items costing from between $42 and $78. Click here for more »

Women of New Vision!


In the same way, teach the older women to lead a holy life. 
They must not tell lies about others. 
They must not let wine control them. 
Instead, they must teach what is good.  Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children. 
The younger women must control themselves.  They must be pure. 
They must take good care of their homes. 
They must be kind.  They must follow the lead of their husbands. 
Then no one will be able to speak evil things against God’s word.
  (Titus 2:3-5 NIRV)

Are you looking for a fellowship with women where you can find
emotional support, encouragement and fun?
Do you desire to grow in the Word of God and find your God-given purpose?
Do you desire to meet with women you can pray with, cry with and laugh with?

If you’ve answered YES,
then Women of New Vision ministry
at New Vision Community Church is the place for you!
We meet every 4th Saturday from 4p.m. – 5:30p.m
at 3534 Laketon Road
Penn Hills, PA 15235
(ages:  19 & up)   (Childcare IS NOT AVAILABLE)


For more information contact group leader: 
Sister Shawnee Craig at
(412) 241-6160

Come check us out!!!

Women of Pittsburgh 2000

Women of Pittsburgh 2000 is a group of Christian women who formed as an outgrowth of the 1993 Billy Graham crusade held here in Pittsburgh.  Inter-racial “sister groups” were created by pairing three women from a predominantly Black church with three women from a predominantly White church.  Those groups  meet monthly for dialogue and fellowship to help break down barriers…..the purpose is to develop close relationships and to better understand cultures, families, churches and communities.
St. Mark AME Church, Wilkinsburg is teamed up with Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church in Fox Chapel.
The meeting times and places of each sister group is entirely up to that group, and the makeup of each group is also evolving….There is one group with six members who represent six different churches….the important thing is that the group is integrated.The WP2000 board is scheduling quarterly Sister to Sister Saturdays in different regions to keep in touch with current members , worship in song and a guest speaker, or view tapes that will spark honest discussion on race and how Christ would want us to live.
This is our way of staying in touch with our sisters and  reaching out to others who want to know more. Our main large event is the Walk for Racial Harmony coming up on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at the Pittsburgh Zoo.

A Refreshing Word!

Today I had the pleasure of visiting a church, fairly new, and received such a refreshing word from the Lord.  Things that make you go, ummmm! 

The pastor spoke about being in a new season, that kairos moment.  He shared with the congregation things that the Lord had given him about the body of Christ.  Basically referring to our attitudents and actions of how we handle the unpleasant situations and circumstances that come our way! 

But, I am here to tell you that we are to praise God in season and out of season, in the good and in the bad.  “Giving thanks always for ALL THINGS unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph 5:20.

What church is this you ask…it’s Koinonia Church of Pittsburgh, located at 85 Universal Road, Penn Hills, PA  15235, where the Pastors are David and Lisa Brock.

Below are photos that I have taken today at service.  Enjoy!

If you’re tired of the same ‘ol same ‘ol, and looking for a church home, stop by Koinonia, and tell them that you saw on The SoulPitt.


Click here for more »

Coraopolis C.O.G.I.C. Presents Heart to Heart!!


Starting, Tuesday, August 5th at 7:30 PM and the first Tuesday of every month,
Elder Herb Tillman Presents:  Heart to Heart!” 
Women who are seeking  wholeness, finding both their purpose and power!

If you are brokenhearted and downtrodden, and think that God has forgotten ALL about you…
YOU NEED TO ATTEND!  Learn your worth as a Woman of God!!

For more information contact the: 
Coraopolis C.O.G.I.C 1046 State Avenue
Coraopolis, PA  15108

Where Does Your Mind Live? (August 31)

M-Messy   I-Information   N-Nonetheless   D-Downloads

M-Meaningful  I-Information  N-Never  D-Depreciates

The human mind is like a CPU (central processing unit) or a computer for the layman, storing everything that it sees, hears, and everything that it has experienced. No matter how many days, weeks or decades ago, you may have seen or heard something the mind is able to recall it as if it happened just yesterday. The mind, does not forget anything, EVER!!!

Which brings me to this point, what is it that you are feeding your mind? Are you nourishing it with good reading material such as, the Bible, wholesome magazines, Christian books, TV shows that do not cloud your mind with doubt and negativity? What and who are you listening to? There is a computer term, one I have not heard for some time, however is prevalent today, GIGO (garbage-in, garbage-out).

The mind, like the body, is in need of good food to grow and to remain healthy.  If a person has a diet of cakes, cookies and fried foods, always neglecting the veggies, fruits, and exercise, eventually the body will become ill with various sicknesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, which ultimately leads to an early death.

The mind acts in the same way, if a person is constantly feeding it negative music, viewing inappropriate materials, listening to the voice of satan, the mind becomes very sick and lends over to a reprobate mind.  Romans 1:28 says, And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient…”
Additionally, Romans 12:2 states, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God“.
To be like Christ is to take on the mind of Christ.  Begin to store good memories on your hard drive by renewing your mind daily in the Word of God.God’s blessings to you and your family.In His Service,
Minister Terina J. Hicks

Igniting The City Of Pittsburgh With FRESH FIRE From On High!! (Mondays at 7:15am)


Experience the tangible presence of God,  through which people’s lives are changed
set free and delivered.  His radical attention commanding preaching appeals
greatly to inner city youth, as well as to saints of all ages.

Tune in every Monday morning on WGBN 1150 AM from 7:15 am to 7:30 am
to hear an AWESOME, ANOINTED Word from the Lord.

Please visit: www.lastdayspreacher. com to learn more about this ministry.

Spreading His LOVE (July 31)

Love is a four letter word that carries much power, in that it can build up or tear down one’s life. Love from a woman can make a man feel as though he is on the mountain top or make him feel incomplete, worthless and utterly useless. It is a mother’s love for her child that will make her lay down her life. But the ultimate sacrifice of love was that of God the Father, who gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ for all of mankind. John 3:16 puts it this way, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”As Christians, how are we spreading the Love of God? Are we helping those who are less fortunate, or has greed consumed our lives? Are we visiting or calling the sick and shut-in, or have our lives become too busy to be concerned about them. Are we taking the time to share an encouraging word with a brother or a sister, or have we become too self-absorbed in our own lives?Imagine if God said, “forget about them they are not worth it”, where would we be today? But it is the Agape Love, the divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love that gave us life.If you have not done so, take time today and everyday and begin to spread His love through your actions, deeds and thoughts.By: Minister Terina J. Hicks

Son’s of David Men’s Ministry (Every 1st Sat)

Son’s of David Men’s Ministry Every 1st Saturday each month at 9:00 am King of Kings Baptist Ministries 5169 Broad Street Pittsburgh, PA 15224 412-661-3550 kingofkings99@verizon.net Overseer L. C. Carter, Pastor & Founder

Your Sister in Christ, CB (Every 2nd Friday)

“Your Sister in Christ, CB” Women’s Ministry
Every 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 pm.

King of Kings Baptist Ministries
5169 Broad Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Elder Ellen Carter, Director Women’s Ministry
Overseer L. C. Carter, Pastor & Founder

Christian Teaching Ministries Bible Study (Every Tues)

Christian Teaching Ministries has Bible Study every Tuesday beginning at 6:45 P.M.?Learn life lessons for daily living from the New Testament. All ages are welcome. Christian Teaching Ministries is located at 4268 Verona Road, Verona, PA past the Giant Eagle. Elder Ronald Burnett, Pastor & Founder. Elder Walter Fortson, teacher. For more information call: 412.331.6518, 412.362.8218 or write plfortson7@gmail.com.

Church Spotlight June 08: Bethel AME Church

Bethel AME Church
2720 Webster Avenue Pittsburgh , PA 15219 (412)683-2160
Rev. Nathaniel Colvin III, Pastor Rev. Nicole Colvin, Assoc. Pastor


The FIRST AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH West of the Allegheny Mountains and the OLDEST “Negro/Colored” congregation in the City of Pittsburgh. In 1808 a Church known as the “African Church” was organized in a home on Front Street. By 1812, there were twenty members in the Church. In 1818 three freedmen,James and George Coleman and Abraham Lewis organized a Sunday School in a home in an alley near the WayHouse located between Third and Fourth Avenues near Smithfield Street which is now known as the robust businesssection of downtown Pittsburgh. Bethel received its CHARTER in 1818.
Click here to find out more about their history