Black Marriage Day 2006


For Release: IMMEDIATELY                                                                                                 


Shawn Pinkston, The Marriage Works (412) 325-0602

Debra Tucker, Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition (412) 227-4210                                                             

The Marriage Works and Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition

We Have Reasons To Celebrate!!!

Fourth Annual Black Marriage Day to Be Held March 26, 2006

Pittsburgh, PA The Marriage Works and the Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition will join dozens of organizations in cities across the nation to celebrate the Fourth Annual Black Marriage Day Sunday, March 26, 2006.  Black Marriage Day (BMD) will take place nationwide to highlight the benefits of married life and offer celebrations to strengthen and promote marriage in the nation’s Black community.  It was celebrated in over 100 cities during 2005. 


The Marriage Works will celebrate Black Marriage Day with a Pastor’s Conference and Forum on March 30th at the Parental Stress Center, 5877 Commerce Street, Pittsburgh, PA, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  The Forum will be led by its community partners, The Center for Urban Biblical Ministry, Family Guidance, Inc., and the National Fatherhood Initiative.


The Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition will join in the celebration of Black Marriage Day with various media events the week of March 20-26, 2006, calling to attention the importance of marriage in the Black Community.


“Since our first Black Marriage Day Celebration in 2003, we’ve created a cultural shift in the Black community that has brought many African Americans to reconsider marriage and celebrate the joy of marriage in our communities,” explained Black Marriage Day founder, Nisa Islam Muhammad, of the Wedded Bliss Foundation, Inc., based in Washington, DC. 


“It is a proven fact that Black married men make more money, are greater accumulators of wealth and live longer and healthier lives.  Successful marriages also free women from the burden of parenting and providing at the same time.  It provides children with the comfort of both financial and emotional stability, and gives them access to the two most important people in their lives on a day-to-day basis,” Ms. Muhammad said. 


The Black community has suffered for years with declining marriage rates, increasing divorces and nearly 70 percent of children being born out of wedlock, according to government figures.  Black women are the most unpartnered group in the country, the US Census Bureau reports.


“We want to replace that blues song with a love song of joy,” stated Shawn Pinkston.  “We want to use Black Marriage Day to celebrate the institution of marriage.  Join us as we celebrate with Black Marriage Day 2006.”

 The Marriage Works and its community partners, spearheads a targeted program for unwed couples and

 Married couples with young children, who reside within the East End of Pittsburgh.


Now in its second year under the leadership of the Urban League of Pittsburgh, the mission of the Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition is to develop collaborations with community organizations, faith-based and family-serving institutions that strengthens relationships that lead to an increase in healthy marriages and builds the capacity of member organizations to provide healthy relationship and marriage focused initiatives, skill-development, programs and services. 


Information on national Black Marriage Day activities: or call: 301.613.1316. 



Americorps VISTA Workers Needed For Work with the Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition - Click here for positions!



The Marriage Works

5877 Commerce Street

Pittsburgh, PA  15206

Telephone:  412 325-0602



The Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition

C/o The Urban League of Pittsburgh

One Smithfield Street

Pittsburgh, PA  15222

Telephone:  412 227-4870




Meet the Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition!




Click here to get the facts on The Greater Pittsburgh Healthy Marriage Coalition (GPHMC)





Top to Right to Left


Damion Wilson

Manager - Center of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

Adagio Health


Arlette T. Dolphin, Esquire

Executive Director

Macedonia Family and Community

Enrichment Center, Inc.


Debra Squires

Project Director

Duquesne Family Support Center


Allegra Wakefield

Senior Case Manager

Youth Empowerment Program


Debra Tucker, Director

Family Growth and Child Development

Urban League of Pittsburgh, Inc.


Geraldine Reynolds

Project Director

Northview Heights Family

  Support Center

Bottom Right to Left


Reverend Sharon Dennard

Minister of Biblical Literacy

Mt. Ararat Baptist Church


Karen Randolph, Chairperson-Elect, GPHMC

Director of Communications

Pennsylvania Department of

Public Welfare 


Denise Norris, Chairperson, GPHMC

President & CEO Corporate Planners &

Inspire to go Higher Ministries

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