Stay Cool by Debbie Norrell

Fortunately, I have never worried about staying cool. When it is 90 degrees and over, I typically stay in the house. If I do have to go outside, it’s into an air-conditioned car and then into an air-conditioned building. Lately, I take a wrap or a sweater with me due to the restaurant or store that I am going to is actually chilly. Recently, I saw a post that indicated there are cooling centers open in the City of Pittsburgh. They are open from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. and are located in Beechview, Homewood, Brighton Heights, Greenfield, Sheraden, and the South Side. The centers are open on July 15 and 16 and are provided by Citiparks. This is beneficial for those without central air conditioning who need to escape the heat. During these hot days, it’s best to wear light colors and stay hydrated. If you need to be outside, go out early in the day and run your errands before it gets too hot. I have a trip planned to Las Vegas, and lately the temperatures have been over 110 degrees during the day in that city. That makes for a miserable day, and surely I won’t be walking the “strip” or eating outside. I’m trying to figure out what the perfect month is to go to Vegas. On my last trip, I went in November, and it was chilly enough for coats and sweaters each day. I’m trying to find that vacation spot with perfect weather no matter when you go. Saint Lucia in November was great; it was warm and sunny each day, and the weather was pretty close to perfect. I’m looking for another place to add to my list. Stay cool; this hot weather will not last forever. I saw Halloween displays in the stores recently. The cold weather is on its way.

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