PUSH Spotlight on DEBRA BONNEAU | “A Manly Movement that Motivates Women!”

Pushdebra2800PUSH co-owner Deavon Hammonds, ask Debra Bonneau five questions about what she is PUSHing through and how she is coping with being a caregiver.

1. What are you are PUSHing through right now?
Being a full-time caregiver for my mother who has severe dementia, while maintaining and taking care of myself so that I am able to be there for her.

2. How have you been able to spread the word and gain control over these circumstances?
I document our precious moments and post videos on Facebook to share and show others that they are not alone in this situation of caring for a loved one with dementia.  Sharing on social media opens up a dialogue and I get feedback and give feedback to others.  Follow my journey by searching on hastag #dementiaisthedevil on Facebook.

3.  What’s one thing you’ve learned lately?
I’ve had to learn to just STOP.  I always told myself to slow down and now I have learned to stop and focus on ME.  Every once in a while you have to remove yourself from the whole situation.  I been fortunate enough to travel to physically remove myself from the situation and allow others to step in.

4. How has the PUSH movement been a part of your life?
I’ve been an entrepreneur for 16 years as Independent Owner and Consultant of Pure Romance Parties by Deb and 2 years as a Small Business Associate and Agent for Surge 365 Travel. PUSH has always been there to support my endeavors.  They strive to promote, push and empower women in a positive light to promote their businesses.  I am also the founder of Neau World Charities LLC and PUSH was a big part of our water drive for Goldsboro, NC Hurricane Matthew victims.  Whether business or community service, they are there!

5.  What advice do you have for caregivers?
Don’t get lost in the care, start with self-care first.

Promotional PUSH is a “Manly Movement that Motivates Women!” 
For more info on PUSH and how they can help you, contact co-owner Deavon Hammonds at 412.848.3631 or email theclublevel5@gmail.com






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