We are super excited about our 35th issue and our newest advertisers that have come on board. As Founder & CEO I want to thank 3 individuals that are key to putting this together each quarter. Craig Dawson, VP of Sales & Marketing for increasing our advertising revenue and securing long term contracts with corporate advertisers that keep us in business and keeps our publication free to the people. Terina J. Hicks, Distribution Manager and Illustrator that helps to make it look good and manages the swift distribution in our region. And Bonita Lee Penn, Managing Editor, that helps to curate great articles and manage our awesome freelance writers. You 3 are the glue and I truly thank you and appreciate you!
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Governor Wolf's Administration fostering new hope for Minority Businesses in Pennsylvania.
Kerry Kirkland-Deputy Secretary/PA Department of General Services/Bureau of Diversity/Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities and Craig Dawson-V.P. Soul Pitt Media
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