Be A Survivor by Debbie Norrell

October is breast cancer awareness month, and I would like to celebrate all survivors and remind ladies to have your annual breast exam. Not only should you have an annual exam, you should do self-examinations often. I am a two-time survivor, and I can attribute my survival to having yearly exams and listening to my doctors. Yes, doctors, plural. My surgeon, primary care physician, and oncologist. My first diagnosis was in 1988, and it was right after I had filmed a public service announcement for breast cancer awareness. I was 36 at the time, and mammograms were not recommended for my age range, but the directors of the PSA asked me if I had a mammogram. I said no. I can’t remember the details that led to having one, but I do remember that I went to see my doctor, and the next thing I know, I was scheduled to have a lumpectomy. It all went well, and I survived 28 years cancer-free and even skipped a year and did not have my annual mammogram. In 2018, when I caught up with my exams, I discovered that once again I was diagnosed with breast cancer; that second diagnosis was harder. I thought after 28 years I was free and clear and did not have anything to worry about. After reaching the five-year survival mark in 1994, I bought a Corvette, which was my dream car. I am now beyond my second five-year survival mark and have not thought about buying any big-ticket items. Instead, I concentrate on staying well and sharing my story of survival. I remember when I was first diagnosed, my mother did not want me to tell anyone. That is how a lot of older people felt about cancer. I tell everyone that I can that they should have their exam and listen to their doctor. Early diagnosis is the key to survival for most types of cancer. I want you to be a survivor—have that exam.

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