By Makeisha Lee, Health and Nutritional Advisor

Are you truly living the life you want to live? Are you as healthy and vibrant as you would like to be? Many of us today are not able to answer yes to either one of those questions because of the condition of our health. There are 45% of the American population that make resolutions every year to get healthier, eat healthier, lose weight, and the like, however only a mere 8% succeed in reaching their goal.

The higher figure reflects those who allow procrastination to set in like gangrene and inevitably the only thing they succeed in is failing. Will you end up on the failing side?

Quiz yourself now!

When it comes to health, do you say?
1) My life is full and I cannot find the time to add anything new in the mix, like exercise or healthier eating choices!
2) Maybe when things settle down, I will make a doctor’s appointment.
3) When my income tax refund check comes, I will start eating right because that’s when I can afford to!
4) I was doing okay for a little while; it’s hard…one day I will start back up.
5) I feel okay for the moment, I think I’m good!

What if one day is too late? We may feel fine today, but over the long haul if we don’t prioritize our heath, likely we will eventually succumb to any range of diseases currently known to man.

Instead prioritize your health – here is how!

1) The first key to prioritizing our health is NOT waiting until something goes wrong! We prioritize paying our bills such as house note, car note, life insurance, and car insurance in order to be provided with a level of security. Invest in your own “health assurance”?
2) If you experience ANY discomfort like: recurrent headaches, sleeping problems, chronic fatigue, problems with elimination, acne breakouts; don’t ignore it. Find out the root cause and solve it!
3) Allocate substantial amounts of time at the top of your “to do” list to reach your health goals.
4) Focus, not on letting go of bad habits but rather on building new, healthier, positive ones. Once these good habits have become ingrained in you, you will start to live your full potential of overall success.

Waldo Emerson once stated “make the most of yourself, for that is all that there is of you.”

So let go of procrastination and embrace prioritization with your health. Start experiencing the good health and prosperity that is your birthright!

Makeisha Lee is a health and nutrition consultant. For more information about cleansing and detoxifying your body, contact her at 614-595-1425 or or learn more at

She is also the author of “Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight” available at and in bookstores nationwide.

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