Peace all - I would first like to applaud all of the Brothers and Sisters who came out to support Ms. Lawton yesterday at the rally. All of our efforts should not go in vain.  We must continue to support each and every cause that will allow us to stand as one unit and fight against oppression.  However, honestly, I am disgusted and downright outraged over the lack of support by the "HIP HOP" Community.  The actions of the police is what we as  so-called "hip-hoppers" say we speak out against in our music , yet when  the opportunity comes to raise up and stand - the "hip-hoppers" were in short supply.  This has to end.  I am sick of hearing people are down for the "hip hop movement" yet, I fail to see the appearance of the soldiers.  This should not be tolerated.  If you are truly down for the "movement" - get MOVING!!!! - Any one of us could have been Ms. Lawton.  Why does it take the victim to be "you" before " you " stand up and do and/or say something. HIP HOP and the prilviage of being able to use the micophone as tools are a blessing  -but it doesn't stop with a song!!!!

I hear complaints everyday about the police from young and old.  We must find away to make our youth feel like they are apart of the calling for action. 

We all are the blame for the damage in flicked upon our people due to lack of action.  We must all be responsible for the repair.  I am calling for all so-called "hip-hoppers" to get your behinds out and support.  There is power in numbers! - Stop standing on the sidelines and get in the game!!!  This did not began with Ms. Lawton and it will not end with Ms. Lawton.  This police system has targeted our brothers young and old.  They have secured their fate behind bars or in jail.  They are now after our mothers and children.  We must not allow them to win!!  We must not allow our children to be afraid to come outside.  I urge you all to come out and speak up against this evil!!!

Unfortunately, I will be out of town Oct. 22ND, however I trust you all will be present at the Stop Police Brutality Rally being held at Freedom Corner, Hill District - 3:oopm. - If you are not present - then please do us all a favor and STOP COMPLAINING!!!! If you simply can not be there - you can still speak up!!!

Call Kathleen Kraus - acting Director of "Public Safety" (412) 255-2963 or send her an e-mail kathy.kraus@city.pittsburgh.pa.us

Call Acting Chief of the Police Bureau Paul J. Donaldson - (412) 323-7800

Call "your" mayor Luke Ravenstahl - (412) 255-2626 or send him an e-mail luke.ravenstahl@city.pittsburgh.pa.us

Call Len Bodack - Chairman of the "Public Safety" Services Committee (412) 255-2419 or send him an e-mail len.bodack@city.pittsburgh.pa.us



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