Natural Treatments for Colds and Flu
©Deborah Barr
The best treatment for winter colds and influenza is prevention. But don’t despair if you’re already inflicted. There are many herbs, supplements, foods, and lifestyle factors that are safe and effective for prevention and treatment. This article will focus on some of them.
Cold symptoms can include nasal discharge, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and fever. Colds primarily involve the upper respiratory organs, the throat, sinuses and nasal passages. However, irregular bowel movements and diarrhea can sometimes accompany colds because of poor elimination of wastes from the body.
Influenza includes many of the same symptoms along with body aches, fatigue, flushing of the neck, face and chest, headache, chills, vomiting and diarrhea. Flu symptoms tend to be much worse than colds.
The flu also affects the same areas as colds, but usually produces more generalized symptoms throughout the body. In some cases, influenza involves the digestive organs.
Immune System
The immune system determines the state of health or disease. It protects you from infection and foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. When the immune system recognizes these invaders, it triggers an innate immune response. When the immune system is weak, we’re susceptible to colds, infections, and more serious illnesses. A weak immune system leaves the body vulnerable to attack from numerous microbes surrounding us and inside of us.
What Weakens Immunity?
There are many factors that influence immune health. Unfortunately, there are many more that suppress it rather than enhance it. Our immune system can be weakened by:
Chemotherapy drugs, radiation, and surgery
poor diet, junk food and sugar
excessive exercise or lack of exercise
drugs (recreational or medicinal)
lifestyle choices
inadequate sleep
stress and emotional turmoil and extremes
negative mental patterns
chemicals and pesticides
high fat diets
hormone/steroid residues in meat and dairy
frequent air travel
A healthy diet, positive attitude, healthy emotional expression, good sleep habits, appropriate herbs, moderate exercise, a community of supportive friends and family, and recreation and laughter can all boost the immune system.
Is Your Diet Helping or Hindering Your Immunity?
Some people experience continual colds and infections during the Fall and Winter, while others are rarely affected. Yet both groups are often exposed to the same viruses in the environment. The difference in resistance is, to a large extent, related to one’s food and lifestyle choices. Diet either strengthens or weakens natural resistance, and raises or lowers the threshold of infection.
Colds, flu, and other infections are much less frequent among those who eat a naturally balanced diet. Colds represent your body discharging excesses from the diet. It is one way your body cleanses. The accumulation of excess from a poor quality diet provides fertile ground for the many cold and flu viruses.
The key to preventing colds, flu, and other infections is found in avoiding extremes in diet that lead to recurring discharges and weakened immunity. Attempting to isolate oneself from the many viruses and bacteria that are present in the environment is futile. You don’t have to move to a deserted island and avoid people for six months.
The most direct way to prevent infections and strengthen resistance is through an environmentally balanced diet.
Dietary Causes
When cold symptoms involve the upper respiratory system, throat, sinuses and nasal passages, the primary causes are excessive amounts of:
simple sugars
concentrated sweeteners, fruit and fruit juice
tomatoes, potatoes and other highly acidic vegetables
soft drinks
ice cream, milk, yogurt
icy cold foods and beverages
When the symptoms affect the lungs and middle of the body, including stomach, the primary causes are excesses of all of the above plus:
fats and oils
all dairy products
poultry and other animal foods
Symptoms that affect the small and large intestines are caused by over consumption of :
heavy animal fats
all of the above
Many people eat too much of all the above. You may eat all of them. The key is knowing which foods are appropriate for you and how to counter the effects of those excesses on an ongoing basis. Many people believe that everything in moderation is okay. That word, moderation, is too vague. If you have health problems, your idea of moderation may be contributing to your problems. Believe it or not, the above are not the only foods that exist.
Everyone needs their own individualized version of diet based on age, all health conditions, constitutional strengths and weaknesses, lifestyle factors, activity level, and other factors. There are foundational foods, however, that will improve everyone’s overall health. They include:
whole grains daily such as brown rice, barley, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, Hato Mugi, and others;
a variety of vegetables daily – at least 3 cups.
more cooked than raw vegetables in cold weather.
hormone, antibiotic and steroid free meats in small quantities eaten with plenty of vegetables.
animal foods are more balanced and easier on our system when eaten in soups, stews, stir-fries with plenty of vegetables.
healthier protein from beans, legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts and seeds.
fruits and fruit juices are optional depending on one’s condition. Cold, weak, deficient, frail people should minimize or eliminate.
use of small amounts of unrefined sea salt in cooking provides important minerals and contributes to good digestion, physical vitality and mental focus.
cow’s milk products are best avoided except small amounts for those who are deficient, weak, and frail, and only if digestion is strong.
Create a Personalized Plan
To determine the best foods and supplements for your unique health, why not invest in a consultation to create a plan personalized. You can eliminate a lot of guesswork, doctor’s visits, money spent on medications, and time lost being sick. Click here for more information.
Herbal and Other Treatments
NOTE: All herbs and supplements should be taken 2 hours apart from prescription medications. They are not intended for use if you are pregnant or lactating. It’s always best to consult with a professional herbalist. Click here for information.
For Prevention
Astragalus, a tonic herb, strengthens resistance to colds, flus, weakness and disease; builds energy and improves digestion. It treats chronically weak lungs and shortness of breath. Astragalus can be taken for 2-3 months at the onset of the cold and flu season. It’s usefulness is as a preventive. If you take Astragalus once you have a cold or flu, your symptoms will worsen.
Astragalus is more effective when combined with other herbs in a formula. Astra C, by Health Concerns, is a great choice for preventing infections and allergies. It combines Astragalus with Vitamin C, Zinc Citrate, Rose Hips, Acerola, Siler and White Atractylodes. Click here to order.
Quercetin is a potent antioxidant and flavonoid. Food sources include apples, berries, grapefruit, onions and cabbage family vegetables. Quercetin is also available as a supplement. One of my favorite formulas is Quercenol by White Tiger. Click here to order. Coenzyme Q10 is another antioxidant with immune-boosting properties, but not as effective as Quercenol.
To improve immunity, use chlorophyll-rich foods including all dark leafy green vegetables such as kale, bok choy, collard greens, watercress, mustard greens and dandelion greens. Supplement with algae (not for cold or weak people), chlorella, spirulina, Vitamineral Greens, or cereal grasses. These contain immune-enhancing, anti-inflammatory properties, and are abundant in omega-3 and GLA fatty acids. My favorite chlorophyll product is Vitamineral Greens. Click here to order.
Ganoderma Mushrooms (Reishi is Japanese name) are a supreme immune tonic and fine for anyone to take. Inhibits bacteria and viruses, protects body against stress, alleviates allergies, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia; regenerates the liver. It is anti-oxidant against free radicals. Revitalizes the body, increasing inner stamina and strength. Cordyseng by Health concerns contains Ganoderma, Astragalus, American Ginseng, Ginger, and licorice, and is a superior immune tonic. Click here to order.
Treatment of Colds and Flu
Echinacea is antibiotic, antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic. It is effective for treating colds, fevers, flu, all infections and inflammations and is immune enhancing. It is intended for use to treat infections and NOT as a preventive. After 10 days it will lose its effectiveness and should be discontinued.
Goldenseal is antibiotic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. It treats infections, flus, liver congestion, inflammations. It is not intended for long-term use.
The most effective formula I’ve used to treat cold and flu is Isatis Gold by Health Concerns. It contains Isatis, Echinacea, Platycodon, Goldenseal and Ligusticum. I always keep this formula in my medicine cabinet. To order, Click here.
N-acetylcysteine, commonly called NAC, is a form of the amino acid cysteine. It can stave off disease and boost the immune system. It can lessen the severity and duration of flu symptoms. NAC reduces congestion related to sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. Do not use for more than a month.
Cold Away by Health Concerns treats colds and flu, fever, sinus and chest congestion, coughing, headache, sore throat, cold sores, and pharyngitis. It is meant to be taken in the early stages of cold and flu. This is one of the most effective formulas I’ve ever taken and I wouldn’t be without it. Click here to order.
Elderberry Extract is anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. It can improve symptoms of colds and influenza, keep it from spreading, and speed up recovery.
Oscillococcinum, manufactured by Boiron, is a homeopathic remedy that decreases the duration and intensity of flu symptoms. It helps prevent flu if taken at the first sign of illness.
Garlic is anti-viral; however, it is not for everybody. If you have a lot of heat signs, fever, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, prone to anger, thick yellow or green mucus, eat a lot of animal food (including cheese and eggs), have a normally warm body temperature, and tendency toward constipation, garlic will make your condition worse. Garlic is effective for cold, weak, deficient types with watery mucus, chills, and tendency toward loose stools.
If you do have heat signs, drink 3-4 cups peppermint tea a day. Eat a liquid-based diet with vegetable soups, lightly steamed and raw vegetables, some fruit (especially grapefruit and lemons) and fruit juice or vegetable juice.
If you have more cold signs, eat a simple diet with grain and vegetable soups, homemade chicken soup (canned versions are not as effective) with vegetables; fish soup with vegetables; steamed or roasted parsnips; horseradish, scallions, and other warming foods and beverages.
Ginger Tea eases headaches, muscle aches, indigestion, gas, and will help stave off the chills of a cold or flu. When experiencing cold and flu symptoms, drink 3 cups of ginger tea daily. Chop or grate one teaspoon ginger and simmer in a covered pot with 1 1/2 cup of water for 7-8 minutes. The ginger teabags sold in stores will not be nearly as effective as using fresh ginger.
Mind and Emotions
Unexpressed and unresolved emotions contribute to head congestion and can weaken your resistance. Your body is not separate from your mind and emotions. Each aspect affects the others. Get in touch with your feelings; find positive pathways through them; learn to effectively communicate your feelings with others. Learn to forgive and let go.
Often negative emotions precede sickness. They persist and we ignore them. Emotions are a guidance system, letting us know how close to balance we are. If we do not listen to the messages behind the feelings and make appropriate changes, eventually something has to break down.
Creative energies that are stifled or blocked can cause the same health issues.
Learn to relax mentally and to express your emotions in healthy ways. Take care of things you’ve been avoiding or putting off. These are vital to good health.
Overwork and lack of relaxation, fun and joy affects everyone’s health health. We need a balance between work and rest, giving and receiving, being active and being passive. Sickness has a way of putting us flat on our back as a means to give us the rest and balance that we’re often not willing to give ourselves. There are many positive insights for us in every problem.
Start today to make small consistent changes in your choices. In no time you’ll experience positive results.
Click here to read about Medicinal Mushrooms for an Immune Boost
Click here to order safe, effective products for prevention and treatment of colds and flu.
Click here to order medicinal mushrooms to boost your immunity.
Call 412.361.8600 to schedule a free 30-minute consultation/evaluation. Wouldn’t you like to create a plan for reversing these and other health conditions in safe, effective ways? Sessions can be done by phone or in my Pittsburgh office.
Deborah Barr founded Whole Health Resources in 1985 and works with national clientele to help them realize radiant health of body, mind/emotions and spirit, as well as joyful, abundant living. WHR provides a wide range of services including Holistic Health Counseling, Natural Weight Loss Services, Whole Health Coaching, Shiatsu Therapy and Yogatherapy, and a wide range of workshops and seminars. Deborah is a sought after speaker and writer sharing her Holistic message to audiences of regional and national scope. She can be reached by calling 412.361.8600, e-mailing, or visiting
Filed under: Healthy You! Articles