HIP HOP AEROBICS! I just wanted to say, the Soulsis is soooo proud of this brother Weave. If you are down with the old school hip hop scene, you will remember Weave as a brotha that could get his dance on. Well now the brotha used his talents and started his own business -- that's what I'm talking about! Check out his article in the Post Gazette on his Hip Hop Aerobics classes in East Liberty.
For $5 each, or $40 a month, NAKA offers a growing list of classes: Low-impact, body-cut, African dance, even gospel aerobics. NAKA Fitness, at 124 N. Highland Ave., also offers youth classes on Saturdays. Call 412-361-1240, or visit the Web site www.nakafitness.com
 YOGA CLASSES - Yoga is an ancient Nubian science that uses postures, exercises, meditation and breathing techniques to promote spiritual, mental, and physical health. Yoga helps to reduce stress, strengthens the nervous system, increases sexual stamina and helps to create better emotional balance. Yoga allows you to feel more alive with a greater sense of health and well-being. Spirits Embodied is pleased to present beginner and intermediate Hatha yoga classes starting on Tuesday July 26th @7pm. These classes will introduce the students to the basic techniques, health benefits and philosophies of yoga. If you have ever wanted to learn yoga, but felt intimidated about being the only Black person in the class; then here is your opportunity to learn. Come learn with friends and relatives in the "Family Room" @ Spirits Embodied. The cost for each class is only $7. You must bring a yoga-mat to participate in the classes. Class size will be limited to better able the instructor to give individual attention to each student. It is strongly recommended that you call in advance to reserve your space for the class. Spirits Embodied is located @ 607 East Ohio Street on Pittsburgh’s Northside. To register for the class or for more information, please call 412-323-8151 or 412-867-7822. Or you can send an email to granglen412@aol.com
Affordable health coverages at a low cost rate $11.95/single plan or $19.95/family plan. www.deliveringonthepromise.com/AHenderson3/ Click on "SAVE MONEY"
A. Henderson 757-589-1655
Volunteers needed for a research study set up to learn more about the relationship between exercise, weight loss and improved health. Paid up to $800. Please click here to see the flyer for more info.
Consumer Health Coalition. http://www.consumerhealthcoalition.org CHC offers FREE hands on assistance to help access health insurance through the CHIP program,Medical Assistance & the adultBasic. If you have any other questions regarding services provided give me a call @ (412 )456-1877 Or contact me online at emosby@consumerhealthcoalition.org You can have a job and your children can still qualify. Call the Consumer Health Coalition. 412-456-1877
Cennter for Minority Health http://www.cmh.pitt.edu/ The Center for Minority Health Network (CMHNet), in the Graduate School of Public Health, has been designed as the lead entity within the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences to coordinate the academic/ research and service activities of members of the faculty and students who deal with issues of relevance to minority health. Their mission is to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health by 2010 and is closely tied to the Nation's prevention agenda as described in Healthy People 2010.
UPMC Cancer Centers: Early Detection and Prevention Services: African American Cancer Program The African American Cancer Program focuses on western Pennsylvania's African American population, whose cancer education, diagnostic and treatment needs often go undetected or unaddressed for a variety of socioeconomic reasons. UPMC Cancer Centers is addressing the problems of higher cancer morbidity and morality in the regional African American population through efforts to increase awareness of cancer prevention and early detection strategies.
African American Women's Speakers Bureau A volunteer organization comprised of African American breast and cervical cancer survivors, professional and non-professional healthcare workers, and community resource persons committed to increasing breast and cervical cancer awareness and screening among African American women in the Greater Pittsburgh and surrounding communities.