Signings By Marion
Type of Business: Notary
Name of Business: Signings By Marion
Business Physical Address (If applicable) 700 River Avenue (suite 313)
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Email address:
Phone Number: 4123013231
Web site:
Brief intro about your business:
Looking for a reliable notary? Signings By Marion will help you with all your document needs.
1. Notarizing documents such as deeds, contracts, affidavits, and powers of attorney.
2. Witnessing the signing of legal documents.
3. Administering oaths and affirmations.
4. Certifying copies of documents such as passports, diplomas, and transcripts.
5. Taking acknowledgments, which involves verifying that the person signing a document is doing so voluntarily and with understanding of the document’s contents.
6. Authenticating the signature of a signer on a document.
7. Verifying the identity of the signer through the use of identification documents such as a driver’s license or passport.
8. Providing a notary certificate that confirms the notarization.
9. Completing jurats, which involves verifying that the signer has sworn to the truth of a document’s contents under penalty of perjury.
10. Providing mobile notary services at a client’s home, office, or other convenient location.
Filed under: Notary