
We are very proud of our children and the accomplishments they are able to make. The Soul Pitt's Student Spotlight goal is to promote the positive image of our African-American children.  So submit your student whether they be in grade school or college and let their light shine!  Send all submissions to family@thesoulpitt.com


Student:  Urie Robert L. Norris III

College:  University of Miami

  His goal is to obtain a Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) Degree. Urie’s passion is to pursue a specified range of interest within the  recorded music technology industry.

son of Rev. Urie & Denise Norris of Pittsburgh, PA.

He was a student at Sewickley Academy in Sewickley, PA.  Urie loves all genres of music.  Although Urie has been trained in classical piano, contemporary, jazz and gospel music are among his favorites.  Urie is also gifted vocally and is an Honor Chorus winning tenor.  Urie started at the Miami University’s Music Department this past fall 2004.  His goal is to obtain a Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) Degree. Urie’s passion is to pursue a specified range of interest within the  recorded music technology industry. 

Urie was recently In The News!  Read below on how Urie and fellow students at his college launched a website similar to eBay!

THE NEXT EBAY? University of Miami students and staff members of College Junktion unveil their new website for college students to sell and trade books, furniture and other items for free. From left are Urie R.L. Norris III, Joel J. Glynn, Jason L. Baptiste, Margaret Scott and Benjamin A. Horwitz. MITCHELL ZACHS/AP

THE NEXT EBAY? University of Miami students and staff members of College Junktion unveil their new website for college students to sell and trade books, furniture and other items for free. From left are Urie R.L. Norris III, Joel J. Glynn, Jason L. Baptiste, Margaret Scott and Benjamin A. Horwitz. MITCHELL ZACHS/AP




UM students launch eBay alternative

College Junktion, a website by and for collegians, combines auctions and networking features, linking users by common acquaintances and interests.

Associated Press

At the end of each semester, Bentley College sophomore Shahzad Zia usually offers his used textbooks to the highest bidder on the most popular Internet auction sites. This spring, he plans to list them for a more exclusive community -- and save money in the process.

Zia plans to post his books on College Junktion, an online auction designed by college students, for college students, that opened for business earlier this month. Registration to the website -- www.collegejunktion.com -- requires a valid ''.edu'' e-mail address. Such addresses are reserved for people connected with schools.

President, CEO and University of Miami sophomore Jason Baptiste developed College Junktion with two friends living in the same dormitory hall.

The idea grew from a bulletin board Baptiste passed while going for a cup of coffee on campus. ''There was this board with hundreds of fliers of stuff for sale -- a car here, a textbook there, this TV. The only way to get exposure was this board,'' he said. 'I thought, 'What could I do to make this easier? Why not create a service to buy, sell and trade them on the Internet?' ''

It's no longer a unique idea, with online giants Amazon's and eBay's massive auctions and the regional classifieds on craigslist. But Baptiste, 19, from Norwood, N.J., plans to combine auctions with networking features found on Friendster or thefacebook, which link users by common interests or acquaintances.


Within the next few months, Baptiste said, photo sharing, calendars, blogs and user groups will be added to the site. Eventually, the friends-of-friends listed in a seller's network could become a potential pool of buyers he can contact directly.

On a recent morning on College Junktion, Joel Glynn, Miami junior and company vice president, listed a textbook from one of his prelaw classes, Thomas L. Tedford's Freedom of Speech in the United States.


If a potential buyer wants to know whether Glynn actually found the book useful before placing a bid, a link under Glynn's profile sends a message directly to his e-mail, allowing him to respond without being logged onto the auction.

The key to this transaction is dot-edu; it only works for students, faculty and university staff.

Coupled with an e-mail verification for registration, it's meant to work as an automatic security check. ''If somebody signs up with a fake e-mail address, it bounces back to us, so we can see who that is'' and keep them off the site, Baptiste said.

That restriction defines College Junktion in a crowded Internet marketplace, said Ina Steiner, editor of the online trade magazine AuctionBytes.com.

''In the time since eBay started -- that's been 10 years -- scammers have really figured out how to play the system, how to commit fraud,'' she said. Steiner said that online buyers are now asking how safe their personal information is.

College Junktion testers at schools around the country praised the limited access, saying they're more comfortable trading with fellow students with similar needs.

''The fact that it's being run by college students is reassuring,'' said Lisa DePascale, a freshman at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn. ''You know you can relate to the person that started it, and that they're looking out for the best interests of someone my age.''


DePascale also liked the auction categories for class notes and term papers, ''to look at other people's opinions of something you're working on,'' she said.

Baptiste said items posted in these categories should be ''zero-dollar listings,'' not research for sale, to enable collaboration between students working on similar subjects. ''That's going to be heavily watched,'' he said.

Steiner cautions that a ''.edu'' e-mail address alone won't ensure safer online auctions.

''Users still shouldn't be lulled into a false sense of security. Whether a college student is more responsible than anyone else is up for grabs.''

Compared with eBay, which according to a spokesman had 1.4 billion listings in 2004, College Junktion is starting small. About a thousand listings, mostly for textbooks and electronics, and a few hundred users were registered for the launch, Baptiste said.

Investments from family and friends got College Junktion off the ground. Advertising, premium listing charges and entry fees for promotions such as video game tournaments will sustain it, said Ben Horwitz, a Miami freshman and the site's chief financial officer. Revenue from the students' other e-commerce company, Miami Merchants, will supplement the auction site.


College Junktion won't charge for basic listings, or take commissions from sales. Baptiste hopes to attract eBay sellers such as Boston-area student Zia, who said he's switching to the new auction to avoid eBay's increased fees on some listing options.

''It costs me an extra three to five bucks [in eBay fees], and I think that's going to double, so that's just money wasted,'' Zia said.

Online auction watchdog Rosalinda Baldwin, editor of The Auction Guild newsletter, doubts that the free listing options will entice many eBay sellers to defect.

'In general, the people who are selling online, most of us are in our 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. People think, 'Online -- oh, cool, young.' No, it's the baby boom generation online,'' she said.