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Full Story In New Pittsburgh Courier

Attorney calls for charges to be dismissed

The final verdict regarding disorderly conduct charges against Pamela Lawton will not be decided for at least another month.
Magistrate Cathleen Cawood-Bubash announced that the Pittsburgh Police requested a continuance during Lawton's preliminary hearing in Municipal Court Oct. 25. The request was for additional time for prosecutors to gather witnesses.   
While Bubash herself called the request for a continuance at such an early stage of trial "atypical" she rescheduled the hearing for Nov. 30, to the dismay of more than 20 friends and supporters who approached the bench when Lawton's case was announced.
Joseph Williams, Lawton's attorney, requested dismissal of the charges, stating that since the hearing was scheduled at the prosecutor's discretion they should have been ready to proceed.
"It shouldn't come as a surprise to the Commonwealth that the community wants this issue addressed," said Williams. "I think the community would say we want this resolved now."  
Lawton, who said Pittsburgh Police officer Eric Tatusko drew his weapon on her 7-year-old daughter during traffic stop Aug. 26, said she was "disappointed" by the continuance and hopes the Pittsburgh Police are equally vigilant in their search for witnesses as they investigate her allegations.

Full Story In New Pittsburgh Courier


Police Review Board gains citizen attention again

Full Story In Pittsburgh City Paper


Photo: Heather Mull

Citizen Police Review Board meetings can be lonesome affairs. At monthly meetings, the board and staff review citizens' complaints about police interactions and make disciplinary recommendations to the police chief and mayor. For months at a time, CPRB meetings have been held with little or no audience, despite being open to the public.

But at a Sept. 18 CPRB hearing on an array of police misconduct issues, council chambers were jammed with people outraged about one particular case and looking for answers. And CPRB meetings have been well attended ever since.

During the three-hour hearing, the crowd of nearly 80 was there to rally around Pamela Lawton, prompted by a Sept. 15 article in the New Pittsburgh Courier and barrages of e-mails and phone calls. During an Aug. 26 traffic stop at Kentucky and Negley avenues for an expired inspection sticker on Lawton's car, police officer Eric Tatsuko allegedly pulled a gun on the unarmed Lawton, reportedly pointing it at her 7-year-old daughter. Lawton's attorney, Joseph K. Williams, contends that Tatsuko threatened to "blow [her daughter's] brains out." Because Lawton's insurance and registration weren't current, her car was towed and she was cited. Weeks after the incident, Lawton received another citation for disorderly conduct.

Both the CPRB and the Office of Municipal Investigations -- the city's internal police-review office -- are investigating the incident after Lawton filed complaints, but neither would discuss specifics of current investigations. Pittsburgh police spokesperson Tammy Ewin also declined comment, but did confirm that Tatsuko is still working, with no sanctions against him.

Now anger and frustration over the incident have galvanized an informal coalition to stand behind Lawton and, participants hope, to maintain the momentum created by the incident.

"You'll never again see [only] one person at these meetings," says Paradise Gray, the Wilkinsburg hip-hop artist and community activist whose e-mail list and MySpace page informed many of those in attendance about the CPRB meetings. He has since spoken at several of them. "It's bridging gaps," he says. "Christians, Muslims, Jews, young, old, men, women, white, black. I'd like to see those kinds of bridges continually built."

"There's been an interesting coalition of groups that have come together," says Lawton's attorney, Joseph Williams. "This has been the issue that's galvanized groups that previously didn't have much to do with each other."

While many groups crossing religious and racial lines have been represented in support of Lawton -- from the Sept. 18 CRPB hearing to her Municipal Court appearances in October -- activists say their concern about the incident transcends their specific affiliations.

"This is not about any organizations or anything like that -- this is to honor our sister," said Cornell Jones, speaking at Lawton's court arraignment. Jones is a member of both Urban Youth Action and the newly formed One Hood Coalition. Rather, he adds, the groups are coming together and uniting behind a common cause.

"What we need to do is get the police under control," says rapper and activist Kay "Da Buttonpusha" Bey, who has also spoken up at recent CPRB meetings. "We need to start it yesterday. There's a 7-year-old girl that's afraid to go to sleep because of Officer Friendly."

So far, Gray's assertion that CPRB meetings would never be empty again has held true: After the crowded Sept. 18 hearing, more than 20 came to the regularly scheduled board meeting on Sept. 26, while 70 people accompanied Lawton at her arraignment Oct. 13, and dozens came to Lawton's preliminary hearing on Oct. 25.

Pamela Lawton is scheduled to appear in court
on Nov. 30th, 2006 at 8:00 A.M.
On October 24th, the Pittsburgh Civilian Police Review Board authorized a full scale investigation into The Lawton case.

At 7:45 the next morning (October 25th, 2006), Pamela Lawton's supporters braved the winter cold and crowded the Municipal Court Building in the Shadows of The Allegheny County Jail downtown Pittsburgh, PA.

When Pamela Lawton's name was called, nearly everyone in the room stood, approached the bench and stood behind Ms. Lawton and her Attorney Joe Williams. It was a powerfull showing of support that took the entire court by surprise.

In a questionable showing of respect for her peers, an obviously irritated Judge Katleen Bubash went against her own better judgement to throw the case out and allowed a
postponement of the case until Nov. 30th, 2006 at 8:00 A.M. at the same Municipal Court Building on 1st ave. (downtown Pittsburgh).

She told us of an tacit (implied) agreement between the court, the DA and police bureau that she and her fellow judges honor, to allow postponements in cases where the police are not actually ready to prosecute. She acknowledged that this was a special case, but she would not treat this case any different than she does any other, in spite of the fact that she was angry that the DA and police were not ready to procede at the moment.

"For judges to have an implied agreement with the police, but no agreements spoken or unspoken with citizens, shows that the justice system is not blind and is biased against regular everyday people". - Minister Jasiri X

"They think that by delaying the case, we are going to give up or ease back. That's not going to happen. It's a state of emergency when our children are put at risk, we are going to continue to pack the courtrooms no matter how many times we have to do it until we see justice done. That's how much we support Ms. Lawton and her children". - Reverend Cornell Jones

"The wheels of justice roll oh so slowly at times.  One of those times was October 25, 2006 when so many of us assembled to support our sister, Pamela Lawton. Unfortunately the legal system allows people like sister Lawton to be jerked around. I believe that the judge made the decision which she thought was appropriate, based on past practices of allowing the DA's office to ask for a continuance.  The ruling did nothing to allay the fears, frustrations and outright pain being experienced by Pamela Lawton. This is why we CANNOT allow the system to intimidate us, to slow us down or to beat us. Let us rise up and make certain that at least as many people are present on Thursday, November 30th at 8 am, as were present on October 25th.  We cannot allow those who are not our partners in justice to just "wait us out!!" - Tim Stevens

We demand that these bogus charges be dropped. We challenge the new "Police Chief Elect" Nate Harper to do the right thing also. Sir, if you truely want to help mend the relationship between the black community and the police dept. we ask that you begin by being a true agent for justice and get the charges against Pamela Lawton dropped immediately. Also suspend Officer Eric Tatusko pending the ongoing investigation, he is a danger to our community and to himself, he should not be allowed to patrol our community with a loaded weapon until it is proven that he is stable and in control of himself. We do not need "a token of racial diversity" Mr. Harper, We demand Justice! Don't tell us about justice, Show us.

Pamela Lawton is scheduled to appear in court on Nov. 30th, 2006 at 8:00 A.M. We are calling for everyone who can get to the court to be there 15 minutes early.  If you are thinking that you cannot make a difference, you should think again. We should all internalize this situation, you should treat it as if it were YOUR child, YOUR wife or YOU. If you live in the Pittsburgh area there is "NO EXCUSE" that is good enough that you should miss this court date! (Unless of course you are in a coma or ill).

Reverend Cornell Jones commented: "We will organize a Mini-Million Man March and walk up in there that deep if we have to".
Make no mistake about it, We have to.

Please continue to call and email Pittsburgh's Elected Officials and demand that the charges against Pamela Lawton be dropped:

Luke Ravenstahl
Mayor's Office Room 512
City-County Building
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA  15219
Phone: 412-255-2626
Fax: 412-255-2687

Kathleen Kraus
Acting Director of the Public Safey Department
100 Grant St Room 732
Pittsburgh, Pa 15219

Police Chief Elect Nate Harper
Police Bureau
1203 Western Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Phone: 412-323-7800

Len Bodack
Chairman of the Public Safety Services Committee
City-County Building
Suite 510/Floor 5
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Telephone: 412-255-2140
Fax: 412-255-2419

Paradise Gray

Citizen Police Review Board Meeting
TONIGHT - Tues Oct 24, 6 PM - Freedom Unlimited (On The Hill, Pittsburgh, PA)
(next to NAACP Office - Wylie & Kirkpatrick)

CPRB Board is considering resolution to move the Pamela Lawton case
from a Preliminary Investigation to a full investigation. Come out to urge the
Board to take agressive action on this case of serious Pittsburgh Police misconduct.

Pamela Lawton Preliminary Hearing - Support Rally
Wedneday, Oct 25, 7:45 am - Municipal Court Building, 1st Ave
Downtown, Pittsburgh, PA

 Ms. Lawton's Preliminary Hearing is scheduled for 8 am in Court.
 (Parking garage next to Court bldg; metered parking available on 2nd
Ave in front of County Jail)

Join Pittsburgh's community leaders and residents in support of Pamela Lawton's rights
and demand legal action against the Pittsburgh Police officer who threatened Pamela and
her children's lives during what started as a routine traffic stop in Shadyside.

Momentum builds as struggle continues
By Deborah M. Todd
Three weeks after a traffic stop where a Pittsburgh Police officer allegedly pulled a gun on her 7-year-old daughter, Pamela Lawton said she received a summons for disorderly conduct. As Lawton waited to be fingerprinted on those charges at Pittsburgh Municipal Court Oct. 13, she did not wait alone.
“We’re going in,” announced B-PEP’s Tim Stevens to the crowd of approximately 70 people who showed up outside the building in support of Lawton. The crowd, which included a variety of political activists and everyday citizens, flooded the halls of the courthouse to show solidarity with Lawton, but also as a demonstration against disorderly conduct charges filed against her. 
Click here to continue the article in the New Pittsburgh Courier>>>

Peace all - I would first like to applaud all of the Brothers and Sisters who came out to support Ms. Lawton yesterday at the rally. All of our efforts should not go in vain.  We must continue to support each and every cause that will allow us to stand as one unit and fight against oppression.  However, honestly, I am disgusted and downright outraged over the lack of support by the "HIP HOP" Community.  The actions of the police is what we as  so-called "hip-hoppers" say we speak out against in our music , yet when  the opportunity comes to raise up and stand - the "hip-hoppers" were in short supply.  This has to end.  I am sick of hearing people are down for the "hip hop movement" yet, I fail to see the appearance of the soldiers.  This should not be tolerated.  If you are truly down for the "movement" - get MOVING!!!! - Any one of us could have been Ms. Lawton.  Why does it take the victim to be "you" before " you " stand up and do and/or say something. HIP HOP and the privilege of being able to use the micophone as tools are a blessing  -but it doesn't stop with a song!!!!  Click here to continue article>>>

Woman faces charges after confrontation with police - Saturday, October 14, 2006
By Ervin Dyer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A Hill District woman who claims a city police officer pointed a gun at her children during a traffic stop turned herself in to police last night on charges related to the encounter.
Pamela Lawton showed up at the Municipal Courts Building at 7 p.m.
She was not alone.
Nearly 70 people, including representatives of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network and an array of grass-roots activists came to support Ms. Lawton, decrying her case as an injustice that should not happen to anyone. 

Calling all Concerned Citizens come and Stand Up for Justice for Pamela Lawton and family Friday October 13th at 7:00pm in front of the Pittsburgh Municipal Court Building Downtown on First Ave.
On Friday October 13th at 7:50pm Ms. Pamela Lawton is scheduled to be finger printed and charged with disorderly conduct for screaming for help as she and a van full of children were detained and held at gunpoint by Officer Eric Tatusco on August 26, 2006 in the Shadyside community of Pittsburgh. At one point during the traffic stop Officer Tatusco turned off his radio, cocked back the slide on his weapon and threatened to blow Mrs. Lawton's 7 year old daughter Joshalyn's brains out.
Please come out and join other Concerned Citizens:
Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church
League of Young Voters
Disciples of the Village
Pittsburgh 022
Brotha Ash Productions
Classic 1824
Millions More Movement
Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network
Nation of Islam
JPB Productions
The BlackWatch Movement
National Political Hip-hop Convention Pittsburgh LOC
We demand that all charges against Mrs. Lawton be dropped, and that Officer Tatusco face criminal charges in this case.
Please reach out to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, Kathleen Kraus the head of OMI, Acting Chief Paul J. Donaldson and Len Bodack Chairman of the Public Safety Services Committee and express your opinion:

Luke Ravenstahl
Mayor's Office Room 512
City-County Building
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA  15219
Phone: 412-255-2626
Fax: 412-255-2687
Kathleen Kraus
Acting Director of the Public Safely Department (OMI)
100 Grant St Room 732
Pittsburgh, Pa 15219
Acting Chief Paul J. Donaldson
Police Bureau
1203 Western Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Phone: 412-323-7800
Len Bodack
Chairman of the Public Safety Services Committee
City-County Building
Suite 510/Floor 5
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Telephone: 412-255-2140
Fax: 412-255-2419

Links to various articles related to this incident

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