Say good bye to the winter blues

A few tips from Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., Highmark Inc.  Let’s face it—winters in Pittsburgh are long, cold and the sun may not shine for days on end!  Does the thought of a long winter give you “cabin fever,” a “blah” feeling or even make you a little sad?  You can take some simple […]

Healthy food choices are key to maintaining weight during the holidays

By Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Director, Highmark Inc. The sweltering days of summer have given way to the cool days of autumn. Before we know it, the holidays will be here. They certainly are a joyous time spent with family and friends at parties and special occasions. Unfortunately, that can lead to overeating […]

10 Tips for the 2010 Summer Season

10 tips for the 2010 summer season By Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., Highmark Inc. To ensure you are at your best to enjoy all that summer has to offer, consider these 10 tips for a healthy summer season. Tip #1.  Take action to reduce health disparities. African Americans have higher rates of obesity and […]