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"Soul Blast - WDGA G-20 YES Rally and Roundtable Tweetup on Sept 23"

On Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Workforce Development Global Alliance presents
G-20 YES Rally at 11:00 AM
and Roundtable Tweetup at 6:00 PM

The G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania serves as the platform for launching WDGA’s 2Steps2WORK campaign, a global initiative to improve the lives of youth in poor and violent communities. The Workforce Development Global Alliance (WDGA), an international not-for-profit, is asking everyone to take the necessary steps to prepare our youth for the workforce of tomorrow and join WDGA’s 2Steps2WORK.

Since its formation in 2006, WDGA helps students in Kenya and the U.S. by striving to develop a competitive workforce and employment opportunities in communities free of violence.  On Wednesday, September 23, 2009, one day before the G-20 Economic Summit (http://www.pittsburghsummit.gov/); the WDGA is hosting G-20 YES events in the City of Pittsburgh to promote awareness of the economic challenges facing today’s youth.

WDGA’s ‘Youth Economic Challenge’ Demonstration
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 11:00 AM

Mount Washington Pod, City of Pittsburgh


Kiki Vassoler, pitchmedia®
at 908.758.1070 (office) and 908.442.6069
and via E-mail at kiki@pitchmedia.us

Hundreds of students, 13-25 years old, will gather to voice their concerns about economic sustainability during a daytime G-20 YES rally starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at Mount Washington in Pittsburgh.  The youth will be joined by thousands of online supporters, worldwide, from Katrina survivors in New Orleans to post-election survivors in Kenya for WDGA’s G-20 Youth Economic Summit (G-20 YES).

WDGA’s ‘Youth Economic Summit’ Roundtable 
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

LeMont Restaurant (overlooking Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers and the Point);
1114 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15211

Kiki Vassoler, pitchmedia®
at 908.758.1070 (office) and 908.442.6069
and via E-mail at kiki@pitchmedia.us 

 G-20 YES will continue that evening with a groundbreaking Roundtable and Tweetup held in the City of Pittsburgh beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at the LeMont.  This historic Tweetup event will discuss the global economic challenges facing today’s youth. Additionally, online participants will have an opportunity to submit questions and concerns via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.  Summary reports from both the attendees and virtual participants will be given to the Whitehouse and the G-20 Economic Summit leaders. 

The G-20 YES Roundtable attendees include international political leaders, corporate executives, celebrities, sports figures, media representatives, and the WDGA Youth Peace Ambassadors. The G-20 YES roundtables are sponsored by the attendees and global companies who wish to support the WDGA  2Steps2WORKcampaign.

To participate and/or join our online community go to:

USTREAM TV:  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/pitchmedia
Twitter Links: @WDGA: http://twitter.com/WDGA and @pitchmedia: http://twitter.com/pitchmedia
WDGA Web site: http://www.wdganetworks.org/
WDGA 2Steps2WORK Web site page: http://www.wdganetworks.org/2steps2work.html
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1521367116#/event.php?eid=124479687726 Eventbrite Links: http://www.eventbrite.com/org/261817986s=1292615


To learn more about the WDGA’s 2Steps2WORK campaign and/or participate in our online community on Twitter, go to: http://twitter.com/WDGA.  

For more information about Participation and Media Coverage, please contact Kiki Vassoler at pitchmedia® via E-mail: kiki@pitchmedia.us and/or 908.758.1070 and on twitter @pitchmedia. 

The Workforce Development Global Alliance (WDGA), an international not-for-profit youth organization, teaches students how to avert violence in our streets, become leaders in their communities and attract employment to promote economic development. 

To learn more about WDGA's 2Steps2WORK campaign go to: www.WDGAnetworks.org